How to Hire & Onboard Student Workers

Steps to employ student workers

To hire and onboard student workers at Jamestown Community College in your department:

  1. Request budget approval to hire a student worker.
  2. Post your job description in Handshake and interview candidates.
  3. Complete the hiring and onboarding process with Human Resources and your student worker.
  4. Support your student worker once their employment begins.

1. Request approval to hire a student worker

Fill out the Student Worker Budget Request form to find out your office’s budget allocation and code for student workers. This form serves as your request for approval to hire a student worker, and must be done before advertising any open positions in your department.

If you don’t know, or if you didn’t plan for allocating money toward hosting a student worker when you completed your department’s budget in May for the upcoming year, you can still request approval to hire one or more student workers for your department via this form.

If you have any questions, refer to On-campus Supervisors Responsibilities or contact Financial Aid & Billing.

2. Post job in Handshake & interview candidates

  1. Once budget approval is received, create a description for your open position that is meaningful to both your office and the student worker. Our On-campus Employment Job Description template can help you get started. Career Services can also help.
  2. Log into your Handshake account or create a new employer account if you do not already have one. Handshake will recognize your JCC email domain and prompt you to connect with the existing account "Jamestown Community College - Student Opportunities." Request to connect with this account.
    • Video: Creating a Handshake account
    • Sign up with your department's generic email address (for example, to ensure your office can always access the account. Do not use your personal JCC email address.
    • Handshake may ask you to upload a picture of your employee ID or driver's license - this is to verify your identity.
  3. Post the job opening in Handshake each semester for which you are hiring. Email for assistance as needed. You will automatically receive email notifications when you have a new applicant for your office.
  4. Review applications, and schedule and conduct interviews with potential candidates. Career Services can help you create questions as needed.

3. Complete hiring & onboarding process

  1. Extend an employment offer to the student and notify Human Resources of students hired. Human Resources will then provide the student with additional instructions and paperwork that they need to fill out before they can start working.
  2. Fill out a Student Worker form for each student you’d like to hire, whether they are a new student worker for your office, or if they’ve worked for you previously and are returning. Once your portion is completed, it will be sent to the potential student worker. Once the student completes their portion, this form will go to Human Resources and Financial Aid & Billing.
  3. Human Resources will send the following forms to each new student worker you'd like to hire. Let your student worker know to expect an email from JCC Human Resources. If you are re-hiring a student who worked for you last year, they will not need to complete the forms again:
  4. The student should submit the forms and copies of their IDs to the Human Resources office within seven days. A delay from the student will result in a delay in the hiring process.
  5. Human Resources will notify you when the student has cleared the background check and that the student will be onboarded through Clear Company. From that time, the student has seven days to complete the additional on-boarding forms (tax forms, etc). Once the entire process is complete,  Human Resources will notify you that your student worker can begin working, and you can then determine a start date and work schedule with your new student worker. In compliance with the NYS Department of Labor and U.S. Department of Homeland Security laws, and JCC policy, students cannot be scheduled to start working until Human Resources tells you it's okay to do so.
  6. Ensure your student worker has a timesheet in Banner. If they are not in Banner yet, they cannot start working.

4. Once student worker employment begins

  1. Remind your student worker to sign up for New Student Worker Orientation with Career Services within their first month of employment. Your student worker is able to start working for your office before they attend this orientation, but they must attend it.
  2. Train your student worker on office-specific tasks and projects. Career Services will provide general career competency training with student workers.
  3. Ensure all student workers complete the mandatory Vector/Safe Colleges trainings that are required by Human Resources within the first 30 days of employment, including:
    • NYS Sexual Harassment
    • JCC Sexual Harassment Policy (read only)
    • JCC Consensual Relationship Policy (read only)
    • Email and Messaging Safety
    • Password Security Basics
  4. Train your student worker on how to submit their bi-weekly timesheet in Banner. Once hired, the student worker will have an “Employee” tab in their Banner account. It is your responsibility to train them on how to enter their time on their timesheets, as well as ensuring that these timesheets are approved in a timely manner. The student’s timesheet submission deadline is 8 p.m. the Saturday prior to payday. Consider having your student worker set up a calendar reminder. If timesheets are not submitted on time and therefore cannot be approved on time, there may be a delay in the student receiving their paycheck on time.